w/Vasiliki Tsagkari © Anna Taggalou

Improvisation Workshops

Free improvisation, as practiced in the workshop, is designed to be as open and inclusive as possible. My role is that of a facilitator, guiding the group based on real-time feedback gathered during the session, allowing for an organic and evolving process. Every sound, noise, and action gains significance, while traditional notions of right and wrong in musical practice naturally dissolve. In this context, anything can become music, and anyone—regardless of musical background—can improvise freely, whether through instruments, objects, movement, or voice. The goal is to cultivate a deep sense of listening: to oneself, to others, and to the unfolding moment, which forms the foundation for the musical discourse that emerges.

I have been leeding these workshops at institutions such as the Tbilisi Music Conservatory, the Sound (Dis)obedience Festival in Ljubljana, and the Musik Akademie Basel, among others.

A few testimonials from participants

Thank you for your input! After working with you I stopped playing with "ideas" and it feels very
good! M.T. Musik Akademie Basel 2016

I was particularly impressed by Jonas's approach, how he took the playing upon himself, how he
presented certain ideas without imposing them on us and how he encouraged us to get in touch
with the space and with ourselves. I really liked the warm-up exercises, which helped me to relax, calm down and be aware of my own action in a given space. The concert itself, I feel, could not capture all the specifics of the workshop itself, but it was still quite relaxed and enjoyable. Perhaps we could have allowed for more daring.... anyway, I enjoyed the process itself most of all. I found Jonas to be an excellent mentor, clear in his delivery of information, but above all warm and open in his acceptance of it, which shows his musical and personal knowledge. K.T. Festival Sound (Dis)obedience Ljubljana 2022

Jonas' approach fluctuated very nicely between pointing out things to pay attention to while playing and the exact dynamics of playing together, and between learning improvisation by improvising. Imperceptibly the workshop ended and it was only with a pause that I realised we had taken the stage relaxed and free, determined to play music, which rarely happens in a workshop situation because you are too much under the impression of being a student. Jonas left the responsibility of playing to us from the beginning. Great ! T.B. Festival Sound (Dis)obedience Ljubljana 2022

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